Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On driving under overpasses....

So, this video was presented on Failblog today.

Now, I have to wonder, that there are 1 of 3 things occurring here. Either:
There is a sign that is giving the wrong height clearance
Truck drivers are not paying attention
The city hates trucks and likes buses.

In any case, having worked construction and seen this happen before, I can tell you that everytime this happens... a team must inspect the overpass for structural integrity damage. Considering that it appears it is always happening at the same overpass...might be time to review those signs...or build a new overpass.

Bonus points to anyone who can comment on how they get the stuck trucks out....


  1. There is only one way to unstuck a truck... Dynamite.

  2. That is just foolish. There are many other ways to "unstuck a truck". For example you could use a tow truck to pull it out from the direction it came from. You could cut away the top part of the truck. There are many options that are much better than "Dynamite".

  3. You sound like a woman that has never unstuck a truck using any of those methods or dynamite. You should respect my opinion on the subject from my name alone, "Unstucking Trucks Guy". If your name was, "I know everything even though I haven't actually done it Girl" then maybe I would show you some respect. But since you are not smart enough to come up with an awesome name, you just suck.

    Now, I'm going to get me some dynamite and unstuck me some trucks.

  4. Unstucking Trucks Guy, you should know that the best way to unstuck a truck is to uma plata that bitch. Dynamite is for people who flail and poke people in the eye. And losers.
