Friday, August 21, 2009

A Tale of 2 Movies

So, once upon a time, a very talented Sci-Fi director made a few really good movies, and then completely went balls to the wall egomaniac after making a sob story about a boat that can't avoid some ice. Throw in the homeless kid from Growing Pains and you have $1.8 Billion dollars. That is more than the GDP of Greenland, and 39 other countries. Cue Avatar. 15 years, $240 million dollars later, we have a movie that would "change cinema forever".

Flashback, 2008. $40 million was spent to make a movie that would set records also. Delgo would go on to gross $694,000. That's not $694 million. It's $694,000.00. Now, what record would that set? Basically lowest amount of money made for a wide release movie.

Now, what do these two movies have to do with each other? Keep reading to see what some intrepid net-nerds have discovered, since the release of the Avatar trailer.

(Also, check out Movieline's take on this....)

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