Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On driving under overpasses....

So, this video was presented on Failblog today.

Now, I have to wonder, that there are 1 of 3 things occurring here. Either:
There is a sign that is giving the wrong height clearance
Truck drivers are not paying attention
The city hates trucks and likes buses.

In any case, having worked construction and seen this happen before, I can tell you that everytime this happens... a team must inspect the overpass for structural integrity damage. Considering that it appears it is always happening at the same overpass...might be time to review those signs...or build a new overpass.

Bonus points to anyone who can comment on how they get the stuck trucks out....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Life Rules.

Everywhere you look, there are rules. How fast to drive, when you can drink, when you are allowed to put squirrels in your pants for the purposes of gambling... However, most rules are specific to a life situation. For example speed limits are only applicable while driving. Others, are more broad. Drinking laws also apply while driving. So, over the years, I have derived Life Rules, rules that apply to all of life, without leading you astray. If you have any Life Rules, please feel free to put them in the comments. Like PostSecrets, but with unsolicited advice instead of unsolicted confessions.

Life Rule #1: Don't suck.
That pretty much sums it up. There is a corollary listing activities that this rule does not apply to, such as "drinking a beverage through a straw", but we don't need to list them out. If you can't figure out when the corollary applies, it probably won't happen the way you want anyways. In either case, "not sucking" usually puts one in a position most suited to achieving Life Goal #1 "Being awesome". But in general, when about to do something, ask yourself, "Will this make me suck?" and "Will I suck doing it?". If either of those is yes...maybe you should do something else. Now, some people do answer those questions as yes, usually bad guys who suck. Which leads us to Life Rule #2.

Life Rule #2: Only Good Guys follow the rules.
To me, this is a pretty obvious thing, that apparently lawmakers forget. (See Life Rule #3) If you are a bad guy, you're not going to to be bound by some moral or ethical implication, hence...why you are a bad guy. So, if you make a law, only people that would follow the law anyways, are going to follow it. For example, stealing. It is against the law to steal. I follow the law. I will not steal. If I was a bad guy, and I steal anyways, what do I care that some old person in some fancy building somewhere decided to show up for work that day and raise their hand that everyone agrees that stealing is against the law. So, if you're going to make a rule that says bad guys must follow the rules, it's going to fail. That is a foregone conclusion. This leads to Life Rule #3.

Life Rule #3: Don't assume anyone knows how to do their job.
As one encounters people doing jobs, basically throughout life, I have found that one can be much more prepared when you follow Life Rule #3. Unfortunately, it has been proven time and again, that there is a direct correlation between the amount of ass is on the line vs. how much someone cares about doing their job. Therefore, if you always assume that perhaps someone before you did not do their job, you will never be disappointed. See Chart 1:

Monday, March 16, 2009

If you ever need a little bit of a push...

Do you ever feel down, like you just can't get through your day? Well, here is the motivational speech to end all motivational speeches, brought to you by 3 decades of Hollywood. Because if cinematic escapism can't inspire you, what can?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is your resume up to date?

Given the nature of our current economy, many people are out of work. Here's a tip about making a "video resume"...and reaching the Possimpable.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Did anyone else see SNL this weekend? I will say, I thought it was great, all things considered. This year has been very hit or miss, but this weekend was definitely a hit. My favorite parts (good luck on Youtube, Hulu, or NBC.com)
  1. TheRock Obama
  2. Cathy, Irving, and Jessica Rabbit
  3. Jon Bovi
  4. Why not to get busy in a lighthouse
  5. MacGruber finds his dad
  6. Tim Geithner solves the economic crisis
cuz..."Baby got Aaack..."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Saw "Watchmen" this weekend. I think I ended up liking it more than a lot of people. Although a lot of people always thought it was an impossible movie to make, considering the source material, I thought Zack Snyder did as good of a job as possible. I do appreciate that Snyder stuck to the original graphic novel, rather than follow the studios suggestion of "updating" everything.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New polls

Added new polls on the bottom...

In the beginning....

"In the beginning God created heavens and the earth". But God did not blog. What would God's blog be like?
"T-time before creating stuff. I'm bored, because there is nothing. But I think. Does that mean I'm here, which would mean there is not nothing? In 1637, bite me Descartes."
So, I realized it might not be the best idea to flood people's inboxes with jokes, rants, pictures, videos, and random URL links. So, I've started this blog.
"If you build it, they will come" We'll see about that...