Sunday, May 3, 2009

Home Security Tips

from "The Onion"

With the exception of your children, your home is your most precious possession. Here are some tips to help keep it safe from would-be intruders:

  • If you spot a minority in your gated community who is not holding a leafblower or other lawn-care device, call your local police immediately.
  • When going on vacation, be sure to leave the oven on. This will fool people into thinking you are home.
  • When a suspicious stranger knocks at your door, reply in a falsetto voice, "Ain't nobody here but us chickens."
  • Leave a glass of milk and plate of cookies on kitchen table with a note reading "For burglars." Poison the cookies.
  • The best way to prevent burglary is to avoid keeping valuables lying around. Leave your six-bedroom mansion unfurnished, then shower, sleep and change clothes at the YMCA only.
  • Surround your house with an impenetrable labyrinth of enchanted briars.
  • Make your home unappealing to burglars by smearing windows and doors with your own feces.
  • If a stranger rings your doorbell, only talk to him if you have a handgun jammed down his throat.
  • Keep several cauldrons of boiling oil on your ramparts at all times.
  • Before going to bed, spread broken glass on your floors. Use a ratio of one pound for every five square feet, and leave yourself a path to the bathroom.
  • Rig your home with an electronic timer to randomly switch lights on and off every 15 seconds.
  • Place a large, highly visible "No Radio" sign in the front window of your home.
  • Kids should never tell a stranger who calls that they are home alone. Have them say, "Mom and dad are too busy fucking to come to the phone."
  • If you accidentally shoot a neighbor you mistake for a burglar, drag him inside and get his prints on a steak knife.
  • Keep your wife's expensive jewelry hidden deep within her anal column.
  • A handgun is of no use unless it is easily accessible in an emergency. Make sure your spouse and children know where it is at all times.
  • Protect your prized Precious Moments figurines with an elaborate network of lasers.
  • Pile valuables in center of living-room floor. Sit on pile holding double-barreled shotgun. Do not sleep.

1 comment:

  1. OK...this is so funny I almost peed my pants!
