Friday, August 21, 2009

A Tale of 2 Movies

So, once upon a time, a very talented Sci-Fi director made a few really good movies, and then completely went balls to the wall egomaniac after making a sob story about a boat that can't avoid some ice. Throw in the homeless kid from Growing Pains and you have $1.8 Billion dollars. That is more than the GDP of Greenland, and 39 other countries. Cue Avatar. 15 years, $240 million dollars later, we have a movie that would "change cinema forever".

Flashback, 2008. $40 million was spent to make a movie that would set records also. Delgo would go on to gross $694,000. That's not $694 million. It's $694,000.00. Now, what record would that set? Basically lowest amount of money made for a wide release movie.

Now, what do these two movies have to do with each other? Keep reading to see what some intrepid net-nerds have discovered, since the release of the Avatar trailer.

(Also, check out Movieline's take on this....)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Awesomeness Win of the Day

Man, you just can't lose with Will & Adam. Funny or Die scores again!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Another great list!

Go to the link for the horrifying accompanying pictures of these mutant examples of living vengeance from God. Posted for convenience's sake for everyone.

7 Terrifying Giant Versions of Disgusting Critters
By David Dietle August 3, 2009 466,640 views

Puppies, kittens, infants: All adorable. And do you know why? Because they're tiny. If you start to magnify these things, then you wind up with the substantially less cute wolves, jaguars and teenagers.

Yes, if there's one thing nature teaches us, it's that what may start out as an adorable little animal friend can quickly turn into a Lovecraftian horror when its itty-bitty wittle mouth gets big enough to start eating your face. And when the little versions are already a little bit creepy, the big versions are the stuff nightmares are made of:

Snails are like minuscule old-timey hobos; the charming kind you see in silent movies with little red bags on sticks--not the kind that pee in your hand when you fall asleep on the subway. They carry their homes on their backs, pose no threat to anybody and generally stay out of sight from polite society.

Occasionally, you might see one that's an inch or more and think, "Christ, that thing is fucking huge!" But, as we told your mom when she exclaimed that very same thing last night: "You ain't seen nothin' yet."

The Horror, Oh God the Horror:

The Giant African Land Snail is one of the rare things that both science and religion can agree should not exist: They can be up to 14-inches long, are simultaneously male and female and can survive up to three years sealed in their shell. And, as you can see from the above picture, they are aggressively not cute.

While tiny humans lose their cuteness gradually after reaching puberty, it's actually quite easy to identify the precise moment a snail stops being cute: When its sickly green snail labia drape over your outstretched fingers like the genitals of an old whore stationed too long outside an army base.

Holy Shit! Is it Dangerous?

Yes, sort of. They're highly invasive and can utterly destroy a local ecosystem. In fact, they were introduced on purpose to several islands in Indonesia during WWII in an attempt to cheaply produce food for U.S. troops. This ingenious plan ultimately failed when U.S. troops, after suffering the countless hardships of war, were less than eager to go down on a snail the size of their face for dinner.

Big eyes, tiny legs and a funny walk: Crabs are nature's adorable cartoon character, scuttling awkwardly across our beaches, hilariously clambering for freedom from our chefs and occasionally composing catchy songs for our oddly arousing mermaids.

We even keep hermit crabs as disposable pets to teach our children that life is fleeting, and that it is OK to paint smiley faces on animals as long as they're smaller than you.

The Horror, Oh God the Horror:

From left to right, those monstrosities are a coconut crab, a Tasmanian giant crab and the Japanese spider crab. The Tasmanian one is the runt of the litter, being only a foot and a half across the carapace, while the Japanese spider crab can be on average 13-feet across with the legs spread out! Shit!

The coconut crab is the only land living one of the bunch, and there are reports of them reaching up to six-feet long and weighing over 30 pounds. So it's probably not singing any songs about how great it is under the sea, not that you'd be able to hear anything over the sound of your shrieking vocal chords.

Holy Shit! Is it Dangerous?

OK, none of those three crabs are typically a threat to people, but we assume that's only because of their lack of organization. The coconut crab, for example, is so named because it uses its claws to tear open fucking coconuts. Coconuts! Those are nature's cannonballs!

By the way, if seized by a Coconut Crab, experts suggest that "gentle titillation of the under soft parts of the body with any light material will cause the crab to lose its hold." That's right: The best way to get this enormous, amphibious, cannonball-eating tank-spider to release its death grip is to tickle its junk with a feather.

We doubt that's even an automatic reflex, the crab probably just thinks it's funny to watch you demean yourself for its amusement.

Your average earthworm is about as threatening as cooked spaghetti, and they basically only exist as either bait or the official courting gift of eight-year-old boys who don't know how to like girls yet. They eat dirt and dead leaves, and are basically little more than slimy rice noodles that shit mud.

The Horror, Oh God the Horror:

The biggest earthworm on well... Earth, is the Giant South African earthworm, pictured above, which can reach over 20-feet in length. And their campaign of weirdness doesn't stop with looking like monsters from a 50s sci-fi movie.

Or, in the case of the ones from Ecuador, like props from another, less SFW film genre.

The Giant Gippsland Worm (following the South African Earthworm at a monstrous 10 feet in length) can be heard gurgling as it burrows through the ground. And Terriswalkeris Terraereginae, also from Australia and measuring a meager three-feet in length, is bright blue and glows in the fucking dark:

And, because New Zealand is close enough to Australia to absorb horror by proxy, New Zealanders have upped the bizarre threshold even further with the North Auckland Worm, a four and a half foot-long monster that glows so brightly, you can read by wormlight.

Holy Shit! Is it Dangerous?

Well no, they can't harm you physically, but try telling that to your therapist when you innocently fall asleep in a South African meadow and wake to find yourself coiled in a two-story length of slithering, segmented penis rope.
Pill Bugs

Pill bugs, potato bugs, rollie pollies; whatever you call them, you have to admit that, for insects, they're pretty damn cute. Look at it. Isn't that adorable? It's like a little Extra Strength Tylenol that's trying to cuddle with itself. Awww...

The Horror, Oh God the Horror:


The Giant Marine Isopod, like pretty much everything else we wish we didn't know about, comes to us from the deep sea. They're usually scavengers, but do sometimes hunt slow moving creatures and much like horrible, alien, insectile guinea pigs, they're known to eat so much in one meal that they become bloated and unable to move.

Holy Shit! Is it Dangerous?

They're not going to be a threat unless you're already immobile and trapped on the floor of the deep sea (like say, from a cramp-inducing jellyfish sting) but if that is the case, they'll likely swarm over your motionless body and feast on your soon-to-be corpse until they're bursting at the seams.

There's no record of anything like that ever happening, of course, but then again, there's no record of it not happening, and looking at this thing's smug horrible "face," we're ready to assume the worst.

Water Bugs

That up there is just your average, ordinary, everyday water bug, also called water striders or pond skaters. They're about the size of a mosquito, and are so light that they can skim across the water using surface tension. The normal variety can, in extreme cases, grow to be up to an inch long, but any bigger and they'd no longer be "pond skaters" but just drowned-ass mosquitoes.

The Horror, Oh God the Horror:

This is the Giant Water bug, so named because scientists are not exactly "creative types." It can grow to over four-inches long, a size which technically makes them less "water striders" than "insect barges of terror."

We wish we could tell you that they stay in their watery homes, and that you only have to worry about them if you go swimming in South American ponds (in which case you're either suicidal or a South American) but they're also colloquially known as "electric light bugs" because of their tendency to fly toward artificial light sources at night.

Oh, right, did we not mention that they fly, too?

So hey, if you find yourself in South America, just stay away from all water and artificial lights sources and you should be cool.

Holy Shit! Are they Dangerous?

Regardless of their actual threat level, a four-inch long amphibious insect with Jesus powers flying at your face will, at the very least, severely wound your manhood when you cry and swat frantically at the air around you before politely asking God to let you go home.

However, it doesn't stop there. Giant water bugs are considered to have one of the most painful bites in the bug world. They sink their mandibles into you and inject their saliva, which is used to liquefy their prey's insides so that it can be sucked out through their needle-like mouth. In severe cases, they can inject enough saliva into a human to permanently damage the muscle tissue.

So it literally liquefies your muscles, and metaphorically liquefies your testicles.

We're not being controversial here when we issue this statement: Fuck spiders. Just look at that picture up there; fuck that noise. We don't care how big that thing is, it needs to have a make-out session with our shoes just for existing on the same dimensional plane as us. Spiders don't need to grow in size to be scary; any size is too big. That thing up there could make this list exactly as it is.

The Horror, Oh God the Horror:

We guess spiders are chronic terror over-achievers, because that image is not bullshit, it is exactly what it looks like: A spider eating a fucking bird.

That's called Nephila Edulis, the Giant Golden Orb-web Spider and, according to the Head Spider Keeper of the New South Wales Australian Reptile Park (who must have murdered a convent full of puppies to get karma shitty enough for that job) tells us that this type of spider sometimes grows "as big as a human hand but the northern species in tropical areas were known to grow larger."

Holy Shit! Is it Dangerous?

Look at that! It's eating a freaking bird! Birds can fly! Can you fly?! The bird literally had access to an entire axis that you don't, and the spider still got it. What chance is there for you?!

Although the poison this particular species makes is pretty much the same thing produced by black widows, it is much less concentrated and merely causes localized pain, swelling and blisters--however, it should be noted that birds are not exactly on this spider's normal diet: These photos are of freak incidents.

Some might call that a comforting thought, but not us. We just see it as a sign of ambition.

Most of us are aware that jellyfish are little more than floating shopping bags filled with wet terror. What's worse is that they're typically too small, too translucent and too inconspicuous to spot in open water.

Most poisonous creatures flag themselves with bright colors and elaborate displays to let potential predators know that they're poisonous. Jellyfish apparently don't really care if you attack them, they're just content to make you hurt before they go down.

The Horror, Oh God the Horror:

Well, most jellyfish are content with their invisible dickery, anyway. Not the Lion's Mane Jellyfish. It wants you to see it. It's going to make goddamn sure that you don't miss it, because it's the size of a fucking Ford Fiesta.

The Lion's Mane Jellyfish can grow to be eight-feet across, with some types growing tentacles to over 120-feet long, making them some of the longest living things on earth.

The Lion's Mane Jellyfish, pictured here with its only natural predator: Gravity.

Holy Shit! Is it Dangerous?

We'd like to tell you it's harmless, we really would. We would love to tell you that the worst thing that could happen is that you get slimed by something that looks like a giant exploding testicle, but we can't lie to you: It's a big enough threat that entire pages are dedicated to informing scuba divers to stay the fuck away.

Considering that anybody even considered that advice is ballsy enough to be underwater in Australia in the first place--the country where monsters are born--you know that's a pretty serious warning. Their sting can cause extreme pain, cramping and even respiratory failure; which would suck in the best of circumstances, much less when you're trapped beneath several million tons of water and surrounded by orbs of living poison, while below, herds of Giant Marine Isopods wait to consume your prone body.

Find more from David at Associated Content.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The future is here....almost

How can I get this? Samsung debuts the Jet, a new cell phone using 3-D gesture based holograms. Screw the cell phone, give me the holograms!

via Gizmodo:
Designed by Korean firm D'strict, the tech is a combination of infrared motion sensing and 3D imagery, pretty much like Microsoft's Project Natal. It's not quite as seamless as Natal, but given that it's main purpose is just to add a little flash to a cellphone announcement, we're awfully impressed—and distracted. Check out the video below for a clip of one of the announcements, and you'll see what we mean. [Fast Company]

Samsungmobile Jet making film from d'strict on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sometimes, change is not for the better?

Why, Darwin, why?? You never quite viewed evolution like this before...


10 Worst Evolutionary Designs
By David Wolman Email 20 hours ago

1 Sea mammal blowhole. Any animal that spends appreciable time in the ocean should be able to extract oxygen from water via gills. Enlarging the lungs and moving a nostril to the back of the head is a poor work-around.

2 Hyena clitoris. When engorged, this "pseudopenis," which doubles as the birth canal, becomes so hard it can crush babies to death during exit.

3 Kangaroo teat. In order to nurse, the just-born joey, a frail and squishy jellybean, must clamber up Mom's torso and into her pouch for a nipple.

4 Giraffe birth canal. Mama giraffes stand up while giving birth, so baby's entry into the world is a 5-foot drop. Wheeee! Crack.

5 Goliath bird-eating spider exoskeleton. This giant spider can climb trees to hunt very mobile prey. Yet it has a shell so fragile it practically explodes when it falls? Well, at least it can produce silk to make a sail. Oh, wait — it can't!

6 Shark-fetus teeth. A few shark species have live births (instead of laying eggs). The Jaws juniors grow teeth in the womb. The first sibling or two to mature sometimes eat their siblings in utero. Mmm ... siblings.

7 Human stomach. People can digest a lot — except for cellulose, the primary component of plant matter. Why don't we have commensal bacteria in our guts to do it? They're busy helping termites.

8 Slug genitalia. Some hermaphroditic species breed by wrapping their sex organs around each other. If one of said members gets stuck, the slug simply chews it off. What. The. Hell?

9 Quadrupeds. Let's say you're a four-footed animal. Now let's say you get a wound on your back, or an itch, or a bug wandering up there. Tough luck, kid. You probably can't do much about it. Hope there's a low branch around.

10 Narwhal tusk. The unicorn-like protuberance on a male narwhal's head is actually a tooth that erupts through the front of the jaw and keeps on growing, up to 9 feet. Narwhal: "Doc, I have a toothache." Dentist: "Indeed."

Monday, July 20, 2009

UFC Badasses

To be fair, this is UFC 2. It was a little different then, more style vs style instead of MMA. Here we have the quarter finals, where it was Karate vs. Karate. Kind of.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cats: Ninjas of the Animal Kingdom

And by ninja, apparently this cat was modeling himself after Chris Farley, in Beverly Hills Ninja. Watch this for 2 seconds of humor, and an eternity of shame for this cat.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla



Nikola Tesla

Thomas Edison was a cranky American asshole who was sort of involved with the invention of the light bulb. Nikola Tesla was a crazy Serbian who was instrumental in harnessing electric power. Also, he blew shit up with lightning.

Nikola Tesla: Mad Scientist

Tesla, seen here flirting with you.
Celibate, yet surprisingly doable.
Nikola Tesla came to America from Croatia (but was ethnically Serbian) with four pennies, a few poems and a blueprint for a flying machine (that was never built) in 1884. However, by 1900, he'd just about single-handedly harnessed the power of electricity. Tesla renovated electronic technology, inventing things such as the electrical generator, FM radio, remote control, robots, spark plugs, fluorescent lights and the “Tesla Coil” which is used in TV and radio transmissions. You may recognize a few things on that list as being directly responsible for everything that was awesome about life in the 20th Century.
Showing an uncommon commitment to the whole "mad scientist" thing, he was celibate, afraid of round things (that's probably why he was celibate!) and hated human hair, jewelry and anything that wasn't divisible by three. Also, he claimed to have built a “death ray” that could blow things up and some (nutty) people believe that he may have been responsible for the 1908 Tunguska Event, an explosion in Russia that was 1,000 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

After he died, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI took away all of his personal stuff from fear of someone else building the machines and actually using them to split the world in half (we don't blame them).

War of the Currents

In 1884, Tesla got a job with Edison, and in many of their arguments, Tesla said that he could improve Edison's electricity and save him money. Edison said there was $50,000 in it for Tesla if he could do it. After months of slaving over Edison's shitty excuses for electronics, Tesla made huge improvements.

When Tesla told Edison to pay up, Edison response was: "You don't understand American humor."

Tesla got pissed and got a job working for Westinghouse (Edison's rival). Soon after, the three men got into "THE WAR OF CURRENTS!!!" *enter lightning and blazing metal music* with Westinghouse, Tesla and his Alternating Current against Edison with his Direct Currents.

Of course, Tesla was right, but because he was a shitty businessman, it didn't matter. His inventions are still being used to funnel fuck you money into the pockets of Edison's descendants. His legacy has experienced a popular resurgence in recent years, mostly by people who know him as "the guy who enabled Hugh Jackman to be killed hundreds of times in a single movie."

Amazing Feats done by Tesla

Tesla held around 700 patents in 26 countries. These include:

  • Tesla Coil.
  • Alternating currents.
  • Robots
  • Spark plugs
  • Electric Arc Lamp
  • Devices for X-Ray
  • Bifilar coil
  • Bladeless turbine

And that's not all. In 1943, the Supreme Court invalided Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi's patents for the radio and radio equipment and giving credit to Tesla based on his patents that predated Marconi's. But, by that time, Tesla was--dead.

Tesla once predicted, "The household's daily newspaper will be printed 'wirelessly' in the home during the night". Hey! That sounds like the Internet!

Tesla turning on a lamp to read

Tesla was the first to harness the power of Niagara Falls into a hydroelectric power plant, constructed a bath designed to cleanse the human body of germs using nothing but electricity, and created a 130-foot long bolt of lightning from one of his massive coils (which remains the world record for man-made lightning). In addition he, once, caused an earthquake in New York City that was so powerful that it almost destroyed 5th Avenue (where his lab was at.)

Though, Tesla's feats keep going on and on and on and on, he remains largely overlooked and while Edison and Westinghouse have their name stamped on huge cooperations, Tesla can merely lay claim to the B list rock band.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why to obey the law...

Why should you obey the law? Because you never know how the fuzz is going to be. Sometimes they run the straight and narrow, like this guy:

(Elliot Stabler, Law & Order: SVU)
or this guy:
(Vic Mackey, The Shield)

Other times, the line is just something they watch fade to a dot as they jump over it. Forget Kyra Sedgwick, this is the real Closer....

Monday, July 6, 2009

How to fight....

After watching years of UFC, I have decided to also become a professional fighter. Unfortunately, I don't want to spend a lot of money or work very hard. So I have found the perfect answer. I'm going to learn to fight like Jackie Chan via instructional DVD!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Maybe you can quit your dayjob?

I suppose you could do worse than Brad Pitt for a butler. Glad to know that he has a career to fall back on if the whole acting thing doesn't work out.

Question is, if Brad Pitt is your butler...what is Angelina?

Monday, June 29, 2009

MacGyver Genius or MacGruber FAIL?

In the grand tradition of and, we now have "There, I Fixed it." Each person must decide for themselves, is this a grand example of MacGyver like genius? A "think outside the box" mentality that showcases people who make do with simple implements to fix problems? Or is this MacGruber like FAIL, with people that just can't be bothered to do something more than half-assed?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Trailer park: Daybreakers

This could be a very cool movie...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ultimate Fight Part 2: better looking than Fedor

I'd posted earlier about Fedor Emelianenko, who appeared on Sport Science and ended up choking out the host in 4 seconds. Apparently, they're either paying him a lot of money, or he's not that bright, or he's really hard up for some human contact. Wanting to see the softer side of MMA, Sport Science has Gina Carano on. While not as strong as the Last Emperor, she is definitely better looking, and it doesn't matter - she's exponentially still stronger than me and would whup my ass. She ends up taking a little bit longer in choking out John Brinkus, the host, (8 seconds), but it's well worth it to see him earn his paycheck at the 5:09 mark.

What's next on Sport Science, letting Anderson Silva knee him in the face?

As seen on CraigsList

A friend of mine showed me this ad from CraigsList today. It was just too good, and by too good, I mean hilarious. I would summarize it, but I'll let it speak for itself. Bolding is done for emphasis by me.

Actor needed for emotional role – One day high pay

Date: 2009-04-17, 12:52PM EDT

My deceased aunt gave my two kids a Cocker Spaniel a few months back. The dog has been a terror and become overwhelming for me. I am a single father raising two young children. I cannot face telling the kids that the dog must go. I have found a good home for the dog, and just need someone to transport the dog, and play the villain.

Premise: You will be the dog walker hired by daddy (me) to walk Skittles. I will introduce you to the kids, and you will tell them you are going to help Skittles get her exercise when Daddy is too busy to walk her. At that point you will walk Skittles to your car and take her to her new family 20 minutes from my place. Then return holding just a leash. The story will be that Skittles broke free of the leash and took off. At this point prepare for crying, things being thrown at you, and possibly cursing. My kids are young and dramatic, their girls.

Pay will be $500. The job will take roughly 2 hours at best.

This job is ideal for an actor looking to diversify their role base, or someone who genuinely likes to make children cry. Acting experience is a plus, but not necessary. Please inform me of any prior experience in this kind of situation.

Monday, June 22, 2009 Most Badass Presidents

Whatever you were looking for from Election 2008, I think one question that always eludes the debates, is "How badass are you?" And since facebook has not yet produced a quiz (oh wait, they have) that the candidates have taken, has compiled a list of the 5 Most Badass previous leaders of the free world to emulate.

And with all due respect to, I have decided to include their post, for the few readers (what's few members of a few population called?) who are reading this at work, and can't necessarily cruise over to the original article.

The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time

By Daniel O'Brien February 15, 2008 2,989,873 views

As we all prepare to spend a long weekend enjoying Presidential Savings on mattresses and used Toyotas, we could take time to thank some of the presidents who passed bills that protect some of the freedoms your enjoy daily. Or we could spend the day celebrating the presidents who are decidedly more Action Movie Heroes than diplomats.

Anyway, guess which kind of president this website decided to focus on?

Andrew Jackson

When the 1828 election rolled around, a lot of people were terrified when they heard Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson was running. If you're wondering how a guy we're calling a bad ass got such a lame nickname, it's because he used to carry a hickory cane around and beat people senseless with it, and if you're wondering why he did that, it's because he was a fucking lunatic.

Former Democratic Senator and Secretary of the Treasurey Albert Gallatin feared a Jackson presidency because of his "habitual disregard of laws and constitutional provisions." Or in other words, the man was a loose canon--17th Century Washigton's answer to Martin Riggs. Sure, he probably didn't have an irate black lieutenant to answer to, or a weary partner who was too old for this shit, but he most certainly had a death wish.

How do we know? Well, despite everyone's best efforts, Jackson was elected to the top office, and when he wasn't busy shaping the Presidency as we know it today, you could find him out back dueling. In case you haven't been to the 18th century lately, this unmanly sounding activity actually involves standing across from an armed man and shooting at him while he in turn shoots at you. The number of duels that Jackson took part in varies depending on what source you consult; some say 13, while others rank the number somewhere in the 100's, both of which are entirely too many times for a reasonable human being to stand in front of someone who is strying to kill them with a loaded gun.

On one occasion, he challenged a man named Charles Dickinson to a duel, (the reason behind it wasn't important, not to us and certainly not to Jackson), and Jackson was even kind enough to give Dickinson the first shot. We're gonna go ahead and repeat that: In a duel with pistols, Jackson politely volunteers to be shot at first. Dickinson happily obliged and shot Jackson, who proceeded to shake it off like it was a bee sting. When Jackson returned the favor, Dickinson was not so lucky, and that's why his face isn't on the twenty. The bullet, by the by, remained in Jackson's body for 19 years because, we assume, Jackson knew that time spent removing the bullets would just fall under the general category of "time not dueling," Jackson's least favorite category.

Greatest Display of Badassedry:
Andrew Jackson was the first president on whom an assassination attempt was made. A man named Richard Lawrence approached Jackson with two pistols both of which, for some reason, misfired. With the possibility of an assassination taken off the table, Jackson proceeded to beat Lawrence near death with his cane until Jackson's aides pulled him off the assassin.

The guns were inspected afterwards and it was discovered that they were in perfect working order, leading some historians to believe that it was an odds-defying "miracle" that Jackson survived, while we're pretty sure that the bullets, like everyone else, were simply scared of Jackson.

Most Badass Quote:
"I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun."

That's right. In a life rich with murdering people for little-to-no reason, Jackson's only regret was that he didn't kill quite enough people. People like Calhoun who, it should be noted, was Jackson's vice president.

John F Kennedy

Nowadays, John F. Kennedy is remembered mostly for getting shot in the head which, while admittedly badass, barely makes the top ten of badass things he's ever done. Plagued with a bad back his entire life, Kennedy was disqualified from service in the army. Instead of using this as an excuse to pursue the decidedly more sane strategy of staying the fuck away from explody things, Kennedy had his dad pull a few strings so he could sneak his way into the navy, where he eventually became a lieutenant. Just to get some perspective, Bill Clinton dodged the draft, Grover Cleveland paid someone else to go in his place when he was drafted, but Kennedy beat the system by forcing his way into the navy. Once there he handled himself like a gravel eating shit-miner, instead of the rich Boston pretty boy he actually was.

Today, he's got his own damned aircraft carrier named after him.

Upon leaving the Navy, he took up boning on a near full-time basis. Sure, he dabbled in being a Senator and a President or whatever, but his full-time job was Pimping. In fact, if boning-your-girlfriend-right-in-front-of-you was a business, you can bet your cuckolded ass that Kennedy would have been its District Manager.

While almost no two sources are in agreement as to just how much tail Kennedy snagged, historian John Richard Stephens says that "Kennedy confided with friends that he could only be satisfied with three women a day." It's amazing that, with all this boning, Kennedy didn't lose focus and make any colossal screw-ups while in office, and-...What? Bay of what? Moving on.

JFK's sexual conquests allegedly include Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Jayne Mansfield, Angie Dickenson, Brazilian actress Florinda Bolkan, famous burlesque stripper, and rap name pioneer Blaze Starr. There are even rumors that he also had sex with his insanely hot wife once in a while too.

Greatest Display of Badassedry:
In August of 1943, while serving as skipper of the PT-109, Kennedy's boat was ripped in two by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. Kennedy and his crew were tossed into the water and surrounded by flames. Kennedy, despite a chronic back injury and an even more chronic boning-induced-exhaustion, managed to swim four hours to safety while towing an injured crewman by the life jacket strap with his teeth. His fucking teeth!

Most Badass Quote:
"Jack could be shameless in his sexuality, simply pull girls' dresses up and so forth. He would corner them at White House dinner parties and ask them to step into the next room away from the noise, where they could hold a 'serious discussion.'"

That quote comes from Kennedy's closest friend, Lem Billings. For proof that you will never be as badass and pimpsational as Kennedy, go ahead and try that "Hey baby, let's go have a serious discussion" line on any girl and then come back and tell us how much sex you didn't have.

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams is, hands down, one of the most God awful ugly-assed presidents in American history but, well, the Predator was pretty hideous too, and no one will deny that he still kicks a fairly serious amount of ass. Also like the Predator, Adams was known as a shrewd negotiator and a strong advocate of outdoor boning. But we'll get to that a little bit later.

With his father away from home most of the time busying himself with the rebel cause, Adams, at age eight, was the man of the house. As if ensuring the safety and prosperity of an entire house before you even hit puberty isn't daunting enough, Adams had to do it all during a fucking war. He, in fact, often talked about watching the battle of Bunker Hill from his front porch, constantly worried about being, as he wrote in his diary, "butchered in cold blood, or taken and hostages by any foraging or marauding detachment of British soldiers." Remember when you were eight and you worried about missing Pokemon? Yeah. If you're feeling, perhaps, a little wet right now, it's because the ghost of an eight year old John Quincy Adams is pissing all over you as you read this.

Adams also maintained a strict, Rocky-like regiment of constant exercise that included a swift swim across the Potomac every morning. Even at 58 years old, Adams could reportedly swim the width of the Potomac in an hour. Also, the nudity; Adams famously exercised and swam nude, presumably, in case he ever came across some emergency that needed immediate boning while out exercising.

Greatest Display of Badassedry:
Also, since we're talking about ridiculous things that JQA did that have nothing to do with being president, he kept a pet alligator in the East Wing of the White House. That actually probably came in handy for some of that shrewd negotiating we mentioned earlier.

As for the outdoor boning? Well ...

Most Badass Quote:
"The art of making love, muffled up in furs, in the open air, with the thermometer at Zero, is a Yankee invention."

It's not too clear, but it sounds like Adams genuinely believed Americans invented having sex outside, a discovery he no-doubt believed he himself pioneered.

George Washington

Plenty of people know George Washington as the father of our country, but few people know, (and this is, perhaps, more important), just how similar he was in behavior to the Incredible Hulk. Stay with us.

As described by Thomas Jefferson, George Washington "was naturally irritable" and when his temper "broke its bonds, he was most tremendous in his wrath." One time, in fact, he became "much inflamed [and] got into one of those passions when he cannot command himself." Witnesses agreed that, after these sudden bursts of rage, Washington generally became calm and amiable again. Sound like anyone you know? Anyone, incredible, perhaps? (It's the Incredible Hulk.) The Iroquois Indians affectionately nicknamed Washington "Caunotaucarius," which translates to either "Town Destroyer" or "Devourer of Villages." We were really hoping it translated to "One Who, (When Angry), You Will Not Like" so we'd have more evidence for this whole Incredible Hulk thing, but "Town Destroyer" is pretty cool too, we guess.

Washington wasn't just a shirt-ripping comic book character waiting to happen, he was also an amazing general and, possibly, totally invincible. Washington was always at the frontlines in any of the many battles he took part in and there are countless stories of Washington returning from battle with bullet holes in his uniform, or without a horse, (it having been shot from under him), but he always remained unharmed. As a general, he believed, (like the always-screaming Leonidas), in the strength of small numbers. Typically both a loner and rebel, Washington preferred a small band of dedicated warriors over large armies any day of the week and he won plenty of battles when the odds were decidedly not in his favor. He once wrote that "Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all."

Though that isn't quite as catchy as "This is Sparta!" you'll have to agree that it's slightly more eloquent and certainly more recyclable, as it is more applicable to situations that may not explicitly involve Sparta.

Greatest Display of Badassedry:
Making America.

Most Badass Quote:
After another tough battle where Washington was miraculously not wounded, he wrote a letter to his brother detailing his experiences. He described being surrounded by bullets and death and concluded by saying "I heard the bullets whistle and, believe me, there is something charming to the sound of bullets." When he caught news of this, King George III reportedly remarked that Washington's attitude would change if he'd heard a few more. But King George III didn't win the war, so fuck him.

Theodore Roosevelt

Checking Teddy Roosevelt's resume is like reading a How-To guide on ass-kicking manliness. He was a cattle rancher, a deputy sheriff, an explorer, a police commissioner, the assistant Secretary of the Navy, the governor of New York, and a war hero. Out of all of his jobs, hobbies and passions, Roosevelt always had a special spot in his heart for unadulterated violence. In 1898, Roosevelt formed the first U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, known as the Rough Riders. Most people already know of the Rough Riders and their historic charge up San Juan Hill, but few know that, since their horses had to be left behind, the Riders made this charge entirely on foot. You just could not stop this man from violencing the hell out of a San Juan Hill.

And don't think that Roosevelt lost his obsession with violence when he became president, or he might just come back from the dead and murder you, (and how do you kill a Teddy Roosevelt that's already dead!?!). He strolled through the White House with a pistol on his person at all times, though, with his black belt in jujitsu and his history as a champion boxer, it wasn't like he really needed it.

It wasn't just his war record or the fact that he knew several different ways to kill you that made Roosevelt such a badass. It wasn't even the fact that he kept a bear and a lion at the White House as pets, (though that certainly helps). Teddy Roosevelt was a badass of the people. Roosevelt received letters from army cavalrymen complaining about having to ride 25 miles a day for training and, in response, Teddy rode horseback for 100 miles, from sunrise to sunset, at 51 years old, effectively rescinding anyone's right to complain about anything, ever again.

Did we mention he had asthma growing up? He did, and after he beat asthma to death, he ate asthma's raw flesh and ran 100 straight miles off the energy it gave him.

Greatest Display of Badassedry:
While campaigning for a third term, Roosevelt was shot by a madman and, instead of treating the wound, delivered his campaign speech with the bleeding, undressed bullet hole in his chest. On the other end of the spectrum, reasons why certain members of the Cracked Editorial Staff have called out of work over the last year include:

"A cold."
"A stubbed toe."
"It's raining."
"There's a spider near the door."

Most Badass Quote:
This quote actually comes from a fellow politician at the time of Roosevelt's death: "Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake there would have been a fight." We have no witty commentary for that. That is just straight up badass.

The last thing you saw before a brutal ass-kicking

Friday, June 19, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of Editing Room

Here's one that won't be in the movie. I'm guessing that it was edited for time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Just found these....and I thought the United States was better than this... :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I, for one, welcome our future robot overlords...

This was just showcased at a tech expo. Now it appears to be a company specific all appliance version of the Microsoft Surface (which I totally want).

Although it will probably precede the future overtaking of Earth by Skynet or Cylons, I welcome the advancement. Because it would be sweet.

Friday, June 12, 2009

You ever notice how some things seem the same?

Text-only - Drug-dealers vs software developers

Drug dealers

Software developers

Refer to their clients as "users".

Refer to their clients as "users".

"The first one's free!"

"Download a free trial version..."

Have important South-East Asian connections (to help move the stuff).

Have important South-East Asian connections (to help debug the code).

Strange jargon:
"Stick", "Rock", "Dime bag," "E".

Strange jargon:
"SCSI", "ISDN", "Java", "RTFM"

Realize that there's tons of cash in the 14- to 25-year-old market.

Realize that there's tons of cash in the 14- to 25-year-old market.

Job is assisted by industry's producing newer, more potent mixes.

Job is assisted by industry's producing newer, faster machines.

Often seen in the company of pimps and hustlers.

Often seen in the company of marketing people and venture capitalists (same thing).

Their product causes unhealthy addictions.

DOOM. Quake. SimCity. Duke Nukem 3D. 'Nuff said.

Do your job well, and you can sleep with sexy movie stars who depend on you.

Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Best Friends

You can't really state that your best friends with someone. You know, until you can say you're willing to be a mother lover. Andy Samberg and Timberlake do it again...and there's nothing more I need to say about that...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Twitter overload

Is anyone else suffering through Twitter overload? It seems like everywhere, people and organizations are saying follow us on twitter. Is it really that important to know what someone is thinking at that exact moment that can only be expressed in 140 characters or less? Isn't it infinitely more useful to follow someone's thoughts through an unlimited number of characters, embedded videos, and pasted links? I suppose you can't fault Jack Dorsey for creating it, as it appeared to be the inevitable evolution of our society. To take it to the next level, Conan O'Brien and the Tonight Show have to chip in.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do you have a phobia of hospitals or doctors?

Well you should. And if you don't, has decided to give you that particular phobia. Here is "The 6 Most Terrifying Medical Malpractice Cases Ever". And with all due respect to, I have decided to include their post, for the few readers (what's few members of a few population called?) who are reading this at work, and can't necessarily cruise over to the original article.

The list needs no commentary from me, the original is better than I could have come up with. So, without further adieu...
The 6 Most Terrifying Medical Malpractice Cases Ever
By Ian Fortey June 4, 2009 11,420 views

Any trip to the doctor's office involves a fairly straightforward trade off: you hand over your personal safety to the guy who went to school for eight years, and they fix something that you wouldn't have the first clue how to do yourself. But as in every profession, some doctors are better than others, and even good doctors have bad days.

And then, there are those doctors who go out of their way to find creative ways to make the world a terrifying place.

#6. "Sir, I'm afraid we inadvertently obliterated your penis."

A patient named William Morrison underwent a screening that required his penis be washed in a solution of three to five percent acetic acid. Sure, just typing the words "acid" and "penis" in the same sentence makes us cringe. But that doesn't mean anything could possibly go wrong there, right? Hell, a three to five percent solution probably feels kind of tingly and refreshing, like when you wash your sack in a bowl of ginger ale.

When it came time actually wash his wang, however, Mr. Morrison got a 72 percent solution, which is a little more like having your dick immersed in a piranha's mouth, after it's been drinking 72 percent acid.

But that's a one-in-a-million scenario, right? Surely health care professionals normally take way more care when a man's dong is on the line.

Not in the case of Mexican doctor, Francisco Javier Valentin y Ortiz who, despite having a wicked matador name, was not great with sharp objects, and cut off a patient's penis during a routine circumcision. We like to think Dr. Ortiz muttered "Oh geez," scratched his head then tried to put the severed penis into the patient's ballsack, kind of like a tulip in a vase, in the hopes the guy wouldn't notice.

But those two are cases are only runners up in the medical world's penis mutilation Olympics. Our gold medalist is Romanian doctor, Naum Ciomu. He separated himself from the pack when he was performing an operation to correct some poor dude's weird, bulgy nutsack. Due to the various stresses of being a guy who has to perform delicate surgeries on weird, bulgy nutsacks all day, he lost his shit and cut off the patient's dick with a scalpel, put it on the operating table and furiously hacked it into tiny pieces in front of the nursing staff. They were apparently too busy trying to think of a more succinct way to say "What the fuck is going on?" to stop him.

Ciomu said he had a temporary loss of judgment, due to some personal problems. You know, kind of like how you get really mad sometimes and punch a wall. It was like that, only he hacked a man's penis to confetti. He ended up having his license suspended and he was ordered to pay the patient 120,000 pounds while the patient got a shiny new non-functional wang made from arm skin.

#5. Sexual Healing

Mental health can be a tricky subject. For instance, if you see a psychiatrist, the first task is making sure they're not crazier than you are. One way to tell is if the psychiatrist, for instance, demands that you start calling them "mother."

Which brings us to Harvard Medical School psychiatrist, Margaret Bean-Bayog, whose last name is lesser known slang for burrito-induced Montezuma's revenge. She was treating a student at the school who came to her because he was feeling lonely. According to the good doctor, the patient had suffered severe childhood abuse and was now hooked on drugs and alcohol as well as dealing with overwhelming anxiety, rage and sociopathic tendencies. That was strange, because no previous doctor had managed to detect any of these things in the poor kid.

The course of treatment was exactly what you'd suspect given the young man's poor mental health: several thousand pages of sadomasochistic fantasies written by the doctor, and an extensive effort to brainwash him into believing he was a child and that the doctor was his mother.

The doctor wrote flash cards for her patient with instructions to read them 10 times a day until he believed them, chock full of important mental health slogans like "I'm your Mom and I love you and you love me very very much." Presumably other cards read "Fill you anus with applesauce and learn kung fu" and "Every episode of House follows the same pattern... because of Jews."

Hey, did we mention that the rest of her medical advice amounted to "let me use your boner like a carnival ride"?

The patient's family filed suit against the doctor after the patient killed himself. And while the doctor conceded her treatment was "unconventional," she denied she did anything wrong. Presumably she then shat in a coffee cup and accused it of spying on her.

#4. Vagina Reconstruction, of the Involuntary Variety

If a doctor ever promises to turn you and others into "horny little mice," you should probably just go home and take some Tylenol instead of spending any additional time with him. However, it seems a lot of people turned a blind eye to Dr. James Burt for a number of years, allowing him to perform reconstructive surgery on women's vaginas--which probably sounds like a perfectly normal thing for a doctor to do... until you realize the women didn't ask him to do it.

Burt even wrote a book called The Surgery of Love, in 1975, about the operations he performed on many women--without their consent. He was at least thoughtful enough to do it after the birth of children so he could explain away the stitches as a result of the delivery.

While he had them on the table he would tinker around with their anatomy, removing some things, even repositioning the vagina, urethra and alter the walls between the vagina and rectum in order to "increase sexual responsiveness." Again, why no one stopped him while he was cutting and probably muttering things like, "you're welcome, Mommy" is anyone's guess. Apparently if you're wearing surgical scrubs everybody just assumes you're on the level.

More often than not, the unwanted surgeries caused extensive damages and required additional surgeries to correct the problems. Twelve malpractice suits against the doctor were dropped over the years when other doctors he worked with refused to testify against him, presumably convincing the man his Frankenvaginas were totally kosher.

It's claimed he performed the procedure on around 2,000 women and when the Ohio State Medical Board finally caught up with him, they made him voluntarily surrender his license , a punishment which is known in legal circles as "bullshit."

#3. Group Therapy for 120 Personalities

If you're a Hollywood screenwriter, or a horrible, horrible doctor, the most convenient of all mental disorders is multiple personality disorder. In Wisconsin, psychiatrist Kenneth Olson hit the motherload when he convinced a patient she had 120 separate personalities. And these weren't all just sissy personalities like "sociopathic killer" or "sexually promiscuous narcoleptic," either. She also had the personalities of a duck and the devil. Please take a moment to figure out which one you personally feel is more fucked up.

The doctor also admitted to having performed an exorcism on her, a course of treatment he thought necessary based on his diagnosis that she was a bride of Satan after having been ritually raped by upwards to 70 men and animals. After watching several reruns of Frasier, we're fairly confident this sort of mental health diagnosis is very rare.

Faced with the daunting task of treating so many personalities, and lord knows duck psychiatry is a niche market, Dr. Olson did what any irresponsible doctor would: He charged all 120 for treatment and billed Blue Cross for $300,000. Inexplicably, after this, and performing an exorcism on the woman, the good doctor ended up in court where she won a $2.4 million settlement against him. However, if you feel yourself being tormented by devil ducks any time soon, Dr. Olsen still has a practice in Montana and will likely be happy to see to your mental health needs.

#2. Screwdriver Spine

Look, we all admire MacGuyver. And we hope that when faced with some impossible situation in the future, we'll be able to cobble together a nice solution out of random shit we have lying around.

But you know who you probably don't want doing that kind of on-the-fly improvisation? The surgeon who's working on your spine. That's one case where you'd pretty much like them to have that shit planned out ahead of time, in some detail.

In 2001, Arturo Iturralde was supposed to have a pair of titanium rods installed in his back (perhaps as part of a slow transition into cyborg assassin). However, once his back was flopping wide open on the table, Iturralde's surgeon noticed that the rods were missing. Using quick thinking, the surgeon used the next best thing he could find: a screwdriver.

After a quick hacksaw job to cut off the handle (because, you know, the handle part isn't medically sound) he jammed the tool in Iturralde's back, presumably with a handful of finishing nails and some copper wire. Unsurprisingly, Sears doesn't make their screwdrivers medical grade and it snapped a few days later, forcing Iturralde to endure several more surgeries.

The end result was the doctor and the hospital being on the hook for $5.6 million. Really, it sucks that the hospital had to pay, because how could they have known? Oh, wait, because the guy had already had his license suspended in two other states.

#1.Dr. Batshit

Donald Dudley claimed to be a doctor. He also claimed to be a member of the CIA and someone who controlled the entire world, which you will recognize as impeccable credentials if you are crazy. Since Dudley was himself crazier than a shithouse rat, he and his imaginary position with the CIA made him capable of treating a 30-year-old autistic man named Stephen Drummond who had a seizure disorder.

As you might expect, part of his new therapy at the hands of Dudley was to get injected with sodium amytal, have part of his brain erased through the use of hypnotic suggestion and drugs that made him psychotic and delusional. That's just good old fashioned imaginary CIA doctoring right there.

But Dudley really set himself apart when he used his influence over Drummond to train him to be part of the doctor's army that would one day take over all the schools, hospitals and police. Likely this last part was not covered by insurance.

Dudley, whose medical license had been suspended after he was diagnosed as bipolar some years earlier, apparently had a long list of "experimental" treatments on his resume. He once instructed a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome to use martial arts and guns to relax. He was also once found by police in a hotel room with a 15-year-old boy and a small arsenal of guns. Oh, and he believed he was from another planet.

The doctor died (or went back to his home planet) before he could be brought to trial for his malpractice. However insurance ended up paying $2 million to Drummond's family. Meanwhile, somewhere out there an army of rain men and really sleepy ninjas await word from their master to storm local hospitals.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This day in history....

Have you ever wondered what your great great grand parents thought about you?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cartoons in real life...or learning that nagging feeling of shame.

Ok, remember back in the day, when cartoons and video games had characters that did flips every time they jumped? And it didn't seem unrealistic at all? Of course, as you grew up, it did seem a bit odd or even ridiculous. After all, when I want to go up the stairs, I always front flip up them. Or not. Well, apparently, I was wrong. You should be front flipping up them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Funniest site...(NSFW)

Along the lines of FML, this one might be better. Texts from last night. If you are looking for a reason to not drunk dial or drunk text...or basically not get drunk this might be your reason. Of course, if you are not looking for a reason to not drink...check out the "Best Texts" section.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are you a PC?

Quentin Tarantino does a PC ad. And by Quentin, I mean Will Ferrell and friends. Because Quentin is a little busy right now, misspelling Bastard in France.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A paragon of human athleticism

Ok, someone get me this guy's phone number. We need him on our softball team. There is nobody who is going to get a hit off of him....

He'd probably give up even fewer hits than Jennie Finch...

I hope he's better at the whole being mayor thing...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

City Signage: How not to do it

So, FailBlog presents us with another classic. Seriously, was this guy high when he created the sign? Did someone have a 2nd grade math problem to do and had no paper? What kind of unit is this measuring? Talk about "apples to oranges"...or more like "apples to random summation of incongruous units". Good job, California, you have yourself another winner.
(image from FailBlog)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Funny or Die, not just a website

Will Ferrell returns to SNL, and in true form provides us with another Celebrity Jeopardy. I could make comments and funny quips about it, but it's better to just let it speak for itself.
Potent Potables for $200....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where are you?

I'm in a cubicle right now. I'm sure you are either on a couch of some sort, or a desk, wasting precious bandwidth that your employer works hard to pay for. And by works hard to pay for, I mean works you like a mule to pay for. But since you're reading this blog, I can hardly think of a larger waste of time for you to do at work. Unless of course you were writing this blog. In which case you'd be me. And as I'm sitting here, sending myself into an existential headspin...I wish I was on a boat.

And for good's the live performance. Ha! It sucks to not be on a boat. Oh wait...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How to dance...

Everyone dances. In some way or some how. I would venture that most people do not dance in a form that has been recognized by the general public as "dancing well". If you need a quick primer on how to dance, here's one of the Top 3 videos on youtube. Ever.

And here, apparently, is the sequel.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Movies every guy should see

Esquire has published a list of the movies every man should see. But why be sexist, and limit it to just men? Women can watch movies too. I mean, after they finish...never mind. Anyone who would find that joke funny can complete it in their own head, and probably funnier than I can on print. And anyone who wouldn't find that joke funny....I have plausible deniability. What joke?

How many of these have you seen?
  • In the Heat of the Night
  • Slap Shot
  • Iron Man
  • Jaws
  • Save the Tiger
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Fast Times at Ridgemont High
  • Chinatown
  • The Godfather
  • Fitzcarraldo
  • Ghostbusters
  • Glory
  • Wall Street
  • Runaway Train
  • Rosemary's baby
  • North by Northwest
  • LoneStar
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • The Conversation
  • The Thin Blue Line
  • Johnny Dangerously
  • The French Connection
  • Miller's Crossing
  • The Great Escape
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • Hate
  • First Blood
  • Bottle Rocket
  • Bad Day at Black Rock
  • Tootsie
  • Broadcast News
  • The Terminator
  • Shakes the Clown
  • Dirty Harry
  • Straw Dogs
  • Raging Bull
  • Citizen Kane
  • The Shining
  • Fatal Attraction
  • The Incredibles
  • Blade Runner
  • Sling Blade
  • Giant
  • Glengarry Glen Ross
  • Serpico
  • Down By Law
  • The Searchers
  • Do the Right Thing
  • Gone Baby Gone
  • The Big Kahuna
  • MASH
  • The Verdict
  • The Warriors
  • Alien
  • Stalag 17
  • Bridge on the River Kwai
  • The Misfits
  • Reservoir Dogs
  • The Maltese Falcon
  • Dr No
  • Cool Hand Luke
  • The Road Warrior
  • Patton
  • True Romance
  • Run Silent Run Deep
  • All Quiet on the Western Front
  • Platoon
  • Caddyshack
  • Hud
  • Blazing Saddles
  • Three Kings
  • Paths of Glory
  • On the Waterfront
I have seen 45 of them. Can you guess which 45? How many have you seen?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reasons to dance....

daytime talk show style.

I suppose that all things considered, that would definitely be a reason to rock it out. Someone is celebrating "Not a Father's Day". Although, you have to wonder if it was his kickin' dance moves that got him laid in the first place. And then, one step further, you have to wonder what the actual baby-daddy is like...

Remember, always practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What happens to your food?

You've got to wonder...if this is what happens when you microwave something, what happens with all the hot pockets, pizza rolls, and random leftovers you microwave? Perhaps this is just a glimpse of the world underneath, the true know, Constantine style.

Or, it could be some cool CGI...

Denis Leary speaketh truth

Here's the newest Hulu ad. And like Denis told me to do, I'm adding it to my "bliggity blog" and my "facey spaces". After all this, I am starting to wonder if Hulu is just here to take over the world.

So in 2007, a 36 year old executive (Jason Kilar) and a 26 year old developer (Eric Feng) created hulu with a team of 8 in less than 2 months. Hulu is projected to make about $175 million this year, up from $65 million with a 18% profit margin ($12 million). Basically, while I'm bliggity blogging, I have apparently been a "20 something year old Eric FAIL".

Now excuse me, I'm going to go find the Hulu app for my iphone...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Home Security Tips

from "The Onion"

With the exception of your children, your home is your most precious possession. Here are some tips to help keep it safe from would-be intruders:

  • If you spot a minority in your gated community who is not holding a leafblower or other lawn-care device, call your local police immediately.
  • When going on vacation, be sure to leave the oven on. This will fool people into thinking you are home.
  • When a suspicious stranger knocks at your door, reply in a falsetto voice, "Ain't nobody here but us chickens."
  • Leave a glass of milk and plate of cookies on kitchen table with a note reading "For burglars." Poison the cookies.
  • The best way to prevent burglary is to avoid keeping valuables lying around. Leave your six-bedroom mansion unfurnished, then shower, sleep and change clothes at the YMCA only.
  • Surround your house with an impenetrable labyrinth of enchanted briars.
  • Make your home unappealing to burglars by smearing windows and doors with your own feces.
  • If a stranger rings your doorbell, only talk to him if you have a handgun jammed down his throat.
  • Keep several cauldrons of boiling oil on your ramparts at all times.
  • Before going to bed, spread broken glass on your floors. Use a ratio of one pound for every five square feet, and leave yourself a path to the bathroom.
  • Rig your home with an electronic timer to randomly switch lights on and off every 15 seconds.
  • Place a large, highly visible "No Radio" sign in the front window of your home.
  • Kids should never tell a stranger who calls that they are home alone. Have them say, "Mom and dad are too busy fucking to come to the phone."
  • If you accidentally shoot a neighbor you mistake for a burglar, drag him inside and get his prints on a steak knife.
  • Keep your wife's expensive jewelry hidden deep within her anal column.
  • A handgun is of no use unless it is easily accessible in an emergency. Make sure your spouse and children know where it is at all times.
  • Protect your prized Precious Moments figurines with an elaborate network of lasers.
  • Pile valuables in center of living-room floor. Sit on pile holding double-barreled shotgun. Do not sleep.