Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A battle against Darwinism

(via OliviaMunn.com & the UK Daily Mail)
On Sunday, if you haven't heard a brilliant 32 year old woman in Germany tried to prove that Charles Darwin was a bunch of B.S. As expected, she failed miserably. Apparently, she hopped a fence and jumped into an enclosure of Polar Bears during feeding time. Predictably, when presented with a idiot McNugget, one of the Bears did what Bears do.

Thankfully for her, she was rescued by 4 zookeepers, whom I believe went above and beyond considering the effort she went to to "feed the bears". Of course, once the bears get the taste of human flesh, we could be facing a full on revolution of rampaging bears. Then what would happen?

Thankfully for justice, the woman was issued a citation for her swim with the bears. The bears are not expected to be charged.

What Happened:

The full article from the Daily Mail with pictures of Darwin's Revenge from the UK Daily Mail

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