Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here comes the wave of the future...and by wave, I mean Cylons.

Found this infomercial for a company called Festo...or heretofore to be known as the Harbingers of Doom! If anyone thought that Skynet or Cylons were merely a figment of some scifi geek's imagination...they were right. Except that scifi geek got a bunch of money, joined with some other scifi geeks to create a giant F-U to organic evolution.

Question is, how long until we go from this:
ENIAC (picture from Wikipedia)

To this
Number Six a la Battlestar Galactica (picture from Wikipedia)

Behold, the future:
  • intelligent robot penguins that can swim backwards
  • bionic flying penguins with 3-d sonar
  • autonomous robot arms that have the fine motor skills of a human hand
  • Walls that react and reform according to human behavior
  • robots that can grow...
If it wasn't so awesome...I'd probably be in the corner hiding under a tin-foil hat. That I'm sure would be itself an intelligent, autonomous Decepticon hat designed to suck my brains out of my ears.

1 comment:

  1. Is this a real company? I'm sending my resume there next.
